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Central Sumatera Coffee

Central Sumatra Coffee is a private family-owned coffee producer and processor in the region of Sumatra, Indonesia. It has a single farm estate in 3 different regions across Sumatra. Central Sumatra Coffee has aimed to focus on quality which requires meticulous attention and processes, expanding from a classic wet-hulled process to a more sophisticated processing method through continuous learning and experimentations.
We first talked to Enzo, the man behind Central Sumatra Coffee Farm, and his vision for the land he has built and nurtured for years. He dedicated his life to producing the best quality cherries and processing them at its finest.  

We believe it's time for Indonesian coffee to rock the stage and Central Sumatra Coffee serves as a primary example of how Indonesian coffee growers can become sustainable through constant improvement in quality, sustainability, and traceability.

Profile and Narrative

Producer Booklet - Central Sumatera Coffee

Farm Notes


#1 Sumatra
Gayo, Bener Meriah Regency

#2 North Sumatra
Mandheling Natal Regency

#3 North Sumatra
Karo Regency


#1 Bourbon, Abbysinia, Ateng

#2 Abbysinia & Ateng

#3 Catimor


#1 1300 - 1400 MASL

#2 1200 - 1300 MASL

#3 1400 - 1600 MASL

April - August

Harvest Month

Cupping Notes

Bener Meriah, Sumatra - Classic Natural - ID-SU-001

Value Chain

CSC Farm.png

Available from Central Sumatera Coffee

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